Wednesday, September 2, 2009

OH my.

So... yesterday evening, I had an actual, genuine thought that I wished it was Christmas & winter.

Yes, folks, I am sick.

It happened rather out-of-the-blue. It was not due to some random music thing on my ipod, or an old movie with a Christmas moment on tv. No, it was soap.

That's right, soap.

I was cleaining my house up a bit in anticipation of my parents being over on Saturday, and I realized that my almost-empty hand soap dispenser laying on it's side looked a little ghetto. Ok, ok, maybe not ghetto, but it looked pretty sad/bad/tacky. Yikes. And seeing as my dad hasn't been to my new digs since he delivered the piano 2 days after I moved in, back in May, I think I should at least try to present a good front, regardless of how much I have to shove in closets or under the bed. ;) Needless to say, I began digging in my collection of "extras" in the cabinet - extra toothpaste, extra shampoo, extra medicine, extra soap. I found to my happy surprise that I had not 1 (as I expected) but 2 (!) soaps to choose from! Consequently, I pulled them out and took a whiff to decide which to replace the old-practically-empty one on my counter. They both smell fabulous, but the 1st was a smell that told my brain "this is good for cold weather. It's a comforting, warming, cozy smell. Like at Christmas." Seriously. That was what ran through my head. SO I put it back under the counter, and pulled out the vanilla scented soap for now.

As I walked into my living room (windows wide open, mind you) to continue with my evening plans of working on a cross stitch ... thing ... for my almost-here-niece, I smelled the fresh, cool air, and (coming off of the soap thoughts) I thought (or may have actually said aloud to myself) "Wow. I wish it was Christmas. I wish it was snowy and cold and there were Christmas lights out." Then I laughed (this time I know it was out loud) and thought, "It's September 1st. SEPTEMBER 1ST!!!"

Laughing, I immediately called my mother (who's from California) - who just wishes it would snow ONLY on Christmas eve, and then go back to being warm the rest of the year - to share this little story with her. I knew she'd get a kick out of my craziness. She did. She laughed and said, "You and Dad. You really are your father's daughter." (He'd like to live in a cooler climate - by water, or in the mountains.) I told her I think mabye God made a mistake, and should have dumped me in the Alps or something when I was born... which she disagreed with, of course. But maybe then I wouldn't love it so much. Mabye the (tiny) contrast of a Chicago summer is what I needed to enjoy the season of winter so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love all the seasons in their place, but I think Spring is the respite I need when I finally get sick of Winter, and Fall is the anticipation of Winter, and Summer is the "oh my word, this is why I love Winter."

Yes, on September 1st, I was anticipating Christmas.
I was a tad disgusted with myself, but all in all, I really do love the coldness and the Christmas, and the cheer. So mabye that doesn't count for disgusted.

I promise to try (really, really hard) not to post about Christmas again for at least a month, but I just had to share this -- it was too good to pass up, and to indicative of who I am and where my mind goes... all to often!

1 comment:

  1. Ha that's funny because this morning some Andy Williams singing Sleigh Ride came onto my iTunes and I think I may have enjoyed it a little too much.
