Thursday, April 1, 2010

San Diego Conference - Promise (finally) Fulfilled

First, I said this.
Then, I said this.

...and it's not Monday night as promised - it's Thursday... forgive me. Ok, here we go.

We left on a Sunday morning. I swear our (main) flight attendant was Mike Rowe. Without hair. Once we'd been picked up from the airport, we went to lunch in Ocean Beach, which culminated in some interesting "calamari" that looked more like a flat piece of rubbery plastic under the eggs Benedict, and tasted about the same. Fortunately, I had a very tasty zucchini sandwich. mmm. that kind of goodness could make me a vegetarian very easily. Then we walked on the beach in the sun, and tried not to fall asleep standing up. It was breezy - ocean and all that - but nice. Then we stopped for a little ice cream and I bought the necessary salt water taffy to take home.

Once at the hotel, we simply unpacked and relaxed for a couple hours until our first session of the conference. Surprise! We got to enjoy Tim Hawkins, a fabulous Christian comedian who literally had us laughing so hard we were crying for 45 minutes straight. Still, so funny. "I don't know where that snort came from! I've never done that before!! I have a pig in my soul that just won't come out!"

The sessions the next day were wonderful - the worship was great, the speakers were amazing, the topics were fabulous. I felt like God had designed my schedule - it was just what I needed to hear. This includes one speaker I heard 3 times (and was glad to). I went to ones on prayer, leadership, and rejuvenation along with a few other topics mixed in. I was encouraged by hearing that I don't necessarily have to "stay put" to be staying in God's will.

We also got to go to dinner one night - the same Mexican restaurant we went to last year in Old Town San Diego - and hear our 'friends' the singers (for tips) play some songs for us - complete with cheesy grins, singing along, and laughing.

I was able to enjoy the sunshine (and get the tiniest bit of color) in many ways. One of the best was that one night when we went to La Jolla ("la hoya" to those who need pronunciation help) for dinner, we stopped to listen/look at the waves in the dark - and realized those "rocks" on the shore were seals! We went to dinner then at a place called Azul, which was expensive (woah) but delicious. The next morning before we went to the airport, we went back to La Jolla to watch the seals and take pictures - and found out 2 babies had been born the night before, just before we were there. Amazing.

Then, of course, the flight home had its own interesting little bits. First, we sat by the same man on the way home as we did on the way there (passenger) and had some laughs over that. Then, again, we had a pretty funny flight attendant (a woman, this time). At the end of our flight, she sang a little song (to the tune of I love you, you love me from the Barney show) "...marry one of us and you'll fly free..." followed promptly by laughter from the passengers, to which she said, "You'd better clap, or I'll sing again." We all laughed louder, and clapped immediately.

Overall, it was a good time to hear from God, enjoy His creation, and find some time to rest, relax, and refresh. Thanks be to God!

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